Information to ECHA indicating the failure to reach an agreement on who shall perform a test

Pursuant to Article 30(2) of the REACH Regulation, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) provides potential registrants, within a SIEF (Substance Information Exchange Forum), with the opportunity to inform ECHA of the failure to reach an agreement on who shall perform a test if such a test is not available within the SIEF. Tests subject to this Article are not part of the testing proposals to be submitted pursuant to Article 10(a)(ix). Please note that according to this procedure only those SIEF participants who require a study shall contribute to the costs for the elaboration of the study. So, the participants who do not see as necessary to conduct a study are not required to contribute to the costs.

What do you need to do to submit information to ECHA?

  1. Use a valid REACH-IT user ID (i.e. your username during sign-up as a company or third party representative in REACH-IT). Please note that if you do not provide a valid REACH-IT user ID, ECHA can neither import your information in REACH-IT nor use it In that case, your claim will not be processed.
  2. Fill in the web-form below and upload all of the requested documentation (.rtf file or pdf document).
  3. A new webform shall be filled in and submitted for each endpoint if subject to disagreement.
  4. Make sure you type in the word shown in the CAPTCHA picture at the bottom of the web-form and then submit to ECHA.
  5. Please note that, in order to process your request, you must fill in all compulsory field (*).
 Information from the potential registrant informing ECHA on disagreement - Part 1
Contact Name *
REACH-IT user ID *
This is the username of the person/organisation that signed-up in the REACH-IT portal and also submitted the inquiry (ie no TPR)
Third Party Representative
(if box ticked, please indicate TPR email address below)
Email address of potential registrant *
This is an email address where messages from ECHA can be sent to the submitter
Pre-registration number *
EC Number (or list number) *
Please check list of pre-registered substances
Joint Submission name *
Earliest registration deadline applicable to any SIEF participant *
Endpoint for which there is a disagreement on who shall perform a test *
(NB: please ensure that the endpoint refers to information requested for your tonnage band / registration types)
Information was sent to SIEF participants involved in the discussions to inform about failure to reach an agreement, pursuant to Article 30(2) of the REACH Regulation *
Role of potential registrant in the SIEF
Role of potential registrant under REACH
Additional comments of the potential registrant
 Documentation is included (in a .rtf file or a pdf document) and provided to ECHA – Part 2
This should demonstrate that the requirements of Article 30(2) of the REACH Regulation are met
The field below requires indicating whether the information is enclosed in the .rtf file.
NB: Incomplete information will prevent you from submitting successfully your request to ECHA
List of all SIEF participants that have taken all reasonable steps to reach an agreement, and/ or are supporting the present claim to ECHA and/or List of the potential volunteers *
whether the .rtf format list is attached
As ECHA is requiring very specific information to be able to process your request, we would like you to use the format proposed and to fill in according to your specific situation (link to the template).
Upload Attachment:
Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB
The only formats accepted are as .rtf file or as pdf document
 DECLARATIONS (all 5 boxes must be ticked)
Pursuant to Article 30(1), we declare that vertebrate and non vertebrate testing data was requested within the SIEF from all potential registrant(s) in order to assess whether each endpoint was addressed.
We declare that all reasonable steps in the SIEF have been taken to reach an agreement on who shall perform the test(s), prior to informing ECHA.
I also declare that I have informed all SIEF participants listed in the attached list on the intention of informing ECHA about the failure to reach an agreement.
We commit ourselves that, in case we manage to get an agreement, after submitting the form and within the next 4 weeks, to immediately inform ECHA.
We declare that the information provided herewith reflects the true and complete record of our information.

The information submitted through this webform is used solely for the purpose of settling data sharing disputes. The European Chemicals Agency will ensure on its part that your personal data is processed as required by Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (Official Journal of the European Union L 8 of 12 January 2001). Any party submitting data to ECHA is entitled to access and rectify that data. To exercise these rights, contact the data controller at