Accredited Stakeholder Organisations - Call for expression of interest to participate in the work of ECHA

The information provided in this web-form will be used to assess your organisation's eligibility according to the five criteria adopted by the Management Board.

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

 Organisation details
Name of the organisation *
(as it is stated in the foundation document)
Name of the organisation *
(in English)
Main field of activity (please select all that apply)*

Postal address*
Visiting address
 Contact information
Head of Organisation
First name*
Last name*
Job title*
Email address*
Email address verification*

Contact person
This person acts as the main point of contact for all correspondence between your organisation and ECHA.
First name*
Last name*
Job title*
Email address*
Email address verification*

Press/communication contact person
This person acts as the main point of contact with ECHA concerning specific communication/press activities.
First name
Last name
Job title
Email address
Email address verification

Biocides contact person
If you wish to appoint a contact person dealing specifically with activities related to the Biocidal Products Regulation within your organisation, you can do so below.
First name
Last name
Job title
Email address
Email address verification
 Please validate that your organisation fulfils the criteria established by the Management Board:
Your organisation is legally established within the EU/EEA and has activities at the EU-level
Please provide a short description of the types of activities your organisation is engaged in (max. 500 characters)*
Your organisation has a legitimate interest in the work of ECHA
Which of the following pieces of chemicals legislation are most relevant for you?*

Please provide a short description of how ECHA's activities are related to the activities of your organisation (max. 500 characters)*
Your organisation is representative in its field of competence
How many members does your organisation have? *
Type of members (please select all that apply)*

In which EU/EEA countries are your members located? (Please select all that apply) *

My organisation is non-profit making*
Note that this option is mandatory. In order to be eligible to become an Accrideted Stakeholder, your organisation must be non-profit making.

My organisation is registered in the Transparency Register maintained by the European Commission. This criterion only applies in case your organisation wishes to participate as an observer in the Committee and Forum meetings of ECHA

Registration number (received when registering your organisation to the register)

 Interest in ECHA's work

My organisation is interested in participating in the following bodies and networks of ECHA (Please select all that apply)*

Provide a short description explaining your organisation's interest to participate in the ECHA bodies and networks (max. 500 characters)*

I declare that all the information provided in this form is accurate and up-to-date.*

Upload your organisation's founding document*

Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

If you would like to print this form together with the information you have provided, please use the print functionality in your browser.