Expressions of Interest Form: Co-opted members for RAC and SEAC

Interested candidates must express their interest by filling in the Expressions of Interest form below. The EUROPASS CV must be attached to the Expressions of Interest form.
Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
 Basic information
First Name*
Last Name*
Date of birth* (dd/mm/yyyy)
ZIP Code*

(international format eg. +358 9 876 543 21)


Please, note that the email address you provide will be used for future correspondence. Please take care to fill it correctly.

Re-type e-mail address *
Where did you learn about this vacancy? *
 Committee you are expressing your interest
Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC)
Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC)
 University Education
Please state the name and grade of the degree (e.g. MSc in Chemical Engineering or BA in Environmental Economics)
Degree (English title of degree)
Field of study
Year awarded
Institution awarding the degree

Degree (English title of degree)
Field of study
Year awarded
Institution awarding the degree

Degree (English title of degree)
Field of study
Year awarded
Institution awarding the degree
 Work experience
Please state below your past work experience relevant to this call:
Work areas relevant to this call

Work areas relevant to this call

Work areas relevant to this call

Work areas relevant to this call

Work areas relevant to this call
 Language skills
Please rate your ability to work in English language, by indicating the appropriate level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) in the corresponding box (Listening, Reading, Spoken interaction, Spoken production and Writing) below, using the European self-assessment grid as reference (see enclosure: European levels – Self assessment grid).
Spoken Interaction
Spoken Production

 Desirable expertise/experience
Please state whether you have been involved in technical/scientific Committee or working group activities at national or international level by crossing the relevant tick-box. Please also state the frequency of your involvement, by selecting the applicable option from the drop-down list:

If yes, please specify the Committee and nature of your involvement (max. 1000 characters)

If yes, please specify the Committee and nature of your involvement (max. 1000 characters)

Do you have knowledge of / experience in working with EU Chemicals Regulations (max. 1000 characters)?

 Personal Data Protection
The European Chemicals Agency will ensure on its part that applicants' personal data is processed as required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on the protection of personal data. Only ECHA staff and selected RAC and SEAC members directly involved in the selection procedure in question shall have access to this data.

Any party submitting personal data to ECHA is entitled to access and rectify that data (after the closing date of the deadline of this call for expressions of interest, rectification is limited to identification data, however). To exercise these rights, please contact the data controller at Furthermore, you also have the right to recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

In addition to the ECHA staff and Committee members mentioned above, it is envisaged that staff members of the Member State competent authorities will be given access to the personal data of candidates considered as eligible to be nominated as co-opted members, for the purpose of nominating them as regular members for RAC and SEAC. You are therefore asked to consider whether you agree to the following statement, by crossing the relevant tick box:

I agree that my personal data submitted in this call for expression of interest is made available to Member State competent authorities for the purpose of nominating regular members for RAC and SEAC.
No, I do not agree (this option will not exclude you in any way from consideration for this call).

ECHA seeks to include your contact details in an internal expert database. You are therefore asked to consider whether you agree to the following statement, by crossing the relevant tick box:

I agree that my contact details are included in ECHA’s internal expert database.
No, I do not agree (this option will not exclude you in any way from consideration for this call).

 Attach your application in EUROPASS CV format
1. Click "Browse" to locate your filled in EUROPASS CV , saved under the title "Your Family Name_Your First Name" on your local computer and to upload the file. Attach only .DOC, .DOCX or .PDF files. The maximum file size is 10 Mb.
2. Click "Submit" to express you interest.

Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

Note: After successfully submitting your expression of interest electronically a confirmation message will appear on your screen and you should receive an automatically generated email as an acknowledgement of receipt (sent to the Email address that you have provided above - please ensure that it is correct).
If you do not receive an acknowledgement then it means that either we have not received your submission and therefore it will not be assessed or the email address provided was not correct.
Please contact us at if you are not able to successfully submit your expression of interest electronically.
For your expression of interest to be submitted, please click the "Submit" button