Submission for Restrictions

A submission via the corresponding webform is required for any initiation or update of an activity undertaken by an authority. This allows ECHA to manage the activity in an efficient manner and to inform other authorities and stakeholders via the Activity Coordination Table (ACT) or its public version (PACT) with up to date information on the activity undertaken.

Fields marked with * are required. Other information is only required if changed from previous submissions.

 Submission related information
Please specify below the type of submission: “Intention” announces the start of the activity, “Submission of documentation” refers to any document or dossier submitted during the process (e.g. outcome document, Annex XV dossier, RCOM) and “Update of information” refers to any other change in the activity. If this is a “Withdrawal” of the activity, please provide reasoning under “Other remarks” or as an attachment.
 Activity performed by

Specify the organisation who is responsible for performing this activity. In case, activities on this substance are performed by more than one Member State Authority (e.g. Substance Evaluation performed by one authority and PBT assessment by another one), please tick the box indicating that this is a “Shared substance”.

On the website, only information agreed to be disclosed for this activity will be displayed. Nevertheless, it is advisable to provide more specific contact information (contact person, email) to ECHA in order to facilitate the communication between the organisation notifying an activity, other authorities and ECHA. This information will be kept internally in ECHA which will be in charge of facilitating communication and exchanges.

 Identification of dossier submitter

information to be used on the ECHA website or formal communication when relevant.

 Main contact person - information for internal ECHA use
  Information on the substance identification and composition

An activity can be performed for a substance with a well-defined composition (mono-constituent, multi-constituent) or a substance of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or Biological materials (UVCB), or a group substance.

  General information
Please add SID's as required
Please specify here any of your (initial) concerns related to the substance that might be relevant for this or any of the follow-up processes. This helps to identify common areas of concern and improves coordination and consistency between the different processes.

In the below table, please tick the hazards relevant for your restriction proposal. Also tick use option, as this covers any (potential) use and is therefore relevant for restriction. Further details on the proposed restriction can be provided below.
Hazard/ Use Assessed
Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB
If you would like to submit more than one document, please create a zip archive where you include all files and upload the zip file as attachment. Maximum file size is 100 MB.
Please note that if an access to documents application pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 1049/2001 on public access to documents is received regarding this information, in order to define its position ECHA will have to first perform an assessment of the content of this information. Therefore, you are invited to indicate below any reason for which disclosure of this information should be denied. Please note that ECHA can only examine reasons appearing in Article 4 of the Regulation(EC) no 1049/2001 on public access to documents as valid.
I have the following reasons as set out in Article 4(1) or 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents why the information submitted as confidential cannot be disclosed to persons requesting access to documents (please explain below in the commenting field those reasons; a reason could be that the protection of your commercial interests, including intellectual property, would be undermined).
 The following information is relevant for this specific activity : Restriction

 Scope and reason(s) for preparing a restriction dossier
the authority should indicate the scope, the target group(s) and the main reasons why it intends to prepare a restriction dossier, such as the main concern (human health, environment and/or human health via the environment), sources of exposures to be addressed (e.g. manufacture and/or all/specific use(s), including substances in articles).
(tick one or more options)

Please note that for a Restriction these dates are informal. You will be asked at a later stage to give by e-mail the date of the final intention to be included in the RoI published on ECHA’s website. This date will trigger the deadline of 12 months set out in the REACH regulation for submitting the Annex XV dossiers for restriction (Article 69(4)). Within this 12 months period you can define the date of submission, taking into account the dates as communicated by ECHA on its website.
Note that fields are obligatory. If the information is not relevant, not available or unknown please record this accordingly.

The information submitted through this webform is used solely for the purpose of the relevant REACH process. The legal basis for the processing is found in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on the Registration Evaluation Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

The European Chemicals Agency will ensure on its part that your personal data is processed as required by Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of personal data.

Any individual submitting personal data to ECHA is entitled to access and rectify that data. To exercise this right contact the data controller at Furthermore, you also have the right to recourse to ECHA's Data Protection Officer ( or to the European Data Protection Supervisor.