Web form – Biocides Assessment

Please submit your information via the web form below and attach a document if needed.

Substance name: Medetomidine
Product Type: 21
EC Number: 811-718-6
CAS Number: 86347-14-0

 SECTION I. Submitter information

Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Your name and contact details will not be disclosed to the public. Any personal data submitted is subject to ECHA’s data privacy rules.

 I do not wish the name of my company/organisation/authority to be published on the ECHA website.

Note: If you claim the name of your organisation/institution as confidential, please ensure
it is not mentioned in the comments, non-confidential attachments, or file names.

 SECTION II. Attachments:

Non-confidential information

Please attach non-confidential information below. ECHA may make this information publicly available.

Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

Please note that documents should be submitted in word or pdf format. If you would like to submit more than one document, please create a zip archive where you include all files and upload the zip file as attachment.

Confidential information

Please attach confidential information below. Confidential information will only be used by ECHA, including its Committees, by the Member State competent authority submitting the dossier and by the European Commission. Therefore, any confidential information cannot benefit from stakeholder involvement. If you upload a confidential attachment, please fill in the information to justify the confidentiality. This will facilitate ECHA’s work if it receives requests for access to documents.

Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

Please note that documents should be submitted in word or pdf format. If you would like to submit more than one document, please create a zip archive where you include all files and upload the zip file as attachment.

I have the following reasons enumerated in Article 4(1) or 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents why the information submitted as confidential cannot be disclosed to persons requesting access to documents (please explain below in the commenting field those reasons; a reason could be that the protection of your commercial interests, including intellectual property, would be undermined).