Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
During processing of applications for authorisation, ECHA may communicate with the applicant(s) for requiring further information on the application.
Furthermore, at certain stages of the processing ECHA will give to the applicant(s) the possibility to comment, e.g. on ECHA's proposal on the
"brief wording on use", on information submitted during the public consultation on alternatives, and on the draft opinions of the Committees
(Committee for Risk Assessment & Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis). ECHA may also request third parties to submit additional information on
possible alternatives.
Similar communications are relevant also for review reports submitted by authorisation holders.
This web-form shall serve to applicants, authorisation holders and third parties as a secure way to respond to ECHA's communication.
The web-form should not be used for any unsolicited communication to ECHA.