Consultation on alternatives for Applications for authorisation:
Webform to submit comments

Using the webform below you may submit your comments for the consultation on alternatives to an Annex XIV substance for the uses for which ECHA has received applications for authorisation. For details on the consultation process, please refer to Applications for Authorisation webpage.

You are requested to provide basic information on possible alternative(s) in the webform below and more detailed information in a “complete version” and a “public version” of your submission as separate attachments.

Instructions on how to organise and submit the information on alternatives are available in the document:
Submission of information on alternatives by interested third parties for the consultations on alternatives for Applications for Authorisation

The same document outlines what sections of your submission will be published on ECHA’s website.

The following formats can be used to organise in an attachment the ”complete version” and the “public version” of the information on the alternative you wish to present:
- Format for third party submission of information on alternatives (”complete version”)
- Format for third party submission of information on alternatives (”public version”)

I agree with the Terms and Conditions of this webform.

Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Where did you learn about this consultation? (please select all that apply):*

 I. Contact information
1. Personal information

Note: A confirmation email with your submission number will be sent to this email address.

How do you prefer to be contacted by ECHA if its scientific committee has follow-up questions regarding the “complete” and “public” versions of your submission? *

Please note that any email communication sent to you will not be encrypted. If you choose this option for communication, ECHA does not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any external compromise of confidentiality in relation to transmissions sent by email.

Please note that fax communication to you will not be encrypted. If you choose this option for communication, ECHA does not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any external compromise of confidentiality in relation to transmissions sent by fax.

If you choose this option for communication, ECHA does not, to the extent permitted by law, accept any liability for any external compromise of confidentiality in relation to communications sent via registered mail.

2. Affiliation

 II. Comments
1. Alternative
1.1 Type of Alternative

Note: For instructions on how to define your alternative, please consult the document: Guide to third party submission of information on alternatives.

Technical alternative (i.e., an adaptation or a change in the technology, process, procedure, device, modification of end product or other solutions)
1.2. Information on the Alternative

|Note: Use this field if you have selected "Technical alternative" in section 1.1. Type of Alternative
 2. ”Public version” attachment

Note: Use Template for third party submission of information on alternatives to prepare your submission.
Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

Please note that the ECHA Committees will formulate their opinion on the availability of suitable alternatives taking into account only the “complete version” of your submission, if such is provided. However, when asking the applicant(s) for clarifications on possible alternatives and when preparing the final opinion, the Committees can refer only to the information submitted by you which has been deemed non-confidential. For this reason, please ensure that you provide a meaningfull ”public version” of your submission.

ECHA will make this attachment publicly available as provided. Please ensure that all confidential information has been blanked out and does not contain any confidential information either in the text itself, in the properties of the submitted file or in any metadata contained therein. ECHA will not be held liable for any damages caused by making the attachment publicly available.

 3. “Complete version” attachment

Upload the “Complete version” of your submission:
Note: Use Format for third party submission of information on alternatives to prepare your submission. Ensure that you provide clear justifications for all information which you claim not to be made publicly available as laid out in the format instructions.

Maximum file size is 10 MB Maximum file size is 10 MB

Please note that the Committees will formulate their opinion by taking into account only the information in the “complete version” of your submission if such is provided.

Please note that if an access to documents application pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 on public access to documents is received regarding this information, in order to define its position ECHA will have to perform first an assessment of the content of this information. Therefore, you are requested to indicate any reason for which disclosure of this information should be denied (in the justification section in the format for third party submission of information on alternatives). Please note that ECHA can examine as valid only reasons appearing in Article 4 of the Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 on public access to documents.

 4. Type of comment

These buttons are purely for the purpose of categorising comment. They will not be taken into account in the opinion-making process.

 5. Consultation selection

Note: Select the consultations for which the above information on the alternative is applicable.